My little girly - I'm pretty sure I've mentioned her on here before, though maybe only as baby #2 - anyway, my little girly is here! (Well, actually, she's a month old now, so this is old news, even though it hasn't been shared here.) We're finding a new normal, and settling in quite nicely as a family of four. My little guy absolutely adores his little sister, and their Daddy is quite taken with both of them. He's already wrapped around the finger of his little daughter, the first time I laid her down on a blanket for a short "tummy time", she was very unpleased, and let us know by crying rather hard. My darling man found her crying to be heartwrenching, and wanted to fix her discomfort - a much different response to the crying of our little guy! (He'll be fine, he's tough!) I love to see how tenderly he interacts with our little lady, and how rough and tumble he can be with our little dude. What a wonderful family I have!
I'm now working on getting in better shape - walking primarily, until I get the okay for more vigorous excercise - and working on keeping up with the housework. It's too easy to let it go, and I want to be able to teach my children - by example - to keep a good home. Also, I realised that this is one area in which I can show my husband my love for him, and I had been letting it slide. When I realised that, in not keeping the housework done, I was showing him that he wasn't very important to me, it broke my heart, and I've been working on keeping on top of it since. Somedays it's really hard - especially the last few weeks of pregnancy, and the first 3 weeks of recovery - but I'm feeling pretty well healed now, and it's getting easier. Please pray for me, that I can continue to keep up with things in this area.
Another thing I'm working on is menu planning. My menus are a little more relaxed than I'd originally thought of menus being. I come up with dinners for the week, and then pick one of those each night, rather than assigning each meal a night at the time of the menu planning. It seems to be working well, and I'm sure to have all of the ingredients for the meal I want to have. Win-win situation! :D
Finally - for this blog post - I'm working on finishing some projects that I have started, and have really been working on completing a baby blanket.
If When I finish this, it'll be the first blanket I've knitted. I've started a couple, only to "frog" them (rip out the knitting) after a few inches. It's encouraging to have this one halfway to completion! It's so tempting, though, to keep starting more and more projects! There are so many pretty things I can make, and it's so tempting to have many things going so that I don't get bored. However, I don't want to be one of those old ladies that ends up passing on a gazillion UFOs to my children and grandchildren. Finished products are a much better inheritance, I'm sure.
Okay, off to bed I go. Goodnight all!