I'm sitting here with my 8 week old baby boy sitting calmly in my lap. He's just been changed and fed, and he's perfectly content now. My husband is winding down for the night, and I have nothing pressing to do. I'm a content lady!
There's been a status making its way around Facebook that asks what would happen if we woke up tomorrow with only those things we thanked God for today. I've found that thanking God for everything that I can think of that He has given/provided for me is a wonderful way to combat worry and bad attitudes. So, I try to make it a habit to everyday give thanks for all that I have. Then, if I find that I'm starting to worry or get into a wrong way of thinking, I again start giving thanks, sometimes trying to get into more specifics in the things I left general the first time. It works wonderfully! It's hard to maintain a bad attitude and truly acknowledge and be grateful for the things that God has given and done for me. I challenge you to do the same!
That is a great principle to live by. I know I have a better day when I thank God for His blessings, than worrying about problems ahead.