When we left Oregon, we were both really hurting emotionally. The way our ministry out there ended was really painful for us, so we knew we needed a time of emotional healing. At first, we simply enjoyed being a part of a church that loves us, just soaking up the love. Then, after we'd been here about 6 months, we were contacted by a pastor who is looking for a young man for him to groom to take his place when he retires.
We met with him and his wife for lunch, and they set up for my husband to come preach for their church. As we made the plans, I realised that I wasn't yet ready to get back in the race. I still hurt. A lot. I wasn't yet in a place to minister well to those around me. Talking with my husband and our pastor and his wife, I said, "I DO want to get back in the ministry, just not yet. I feel like a runner that had to drop out due to a broken leg. I want to get back in the race, but not until my leg is healed."
Well, several things brought us to the decision that that particular church wasn't our next field of ministry. I was glad, as that gave me more time to heal. After we'd been here about a year, my darling and I realised that we were ready. We were starting to feel excited, and looking forward to our next area of ministry. We started looking for an opportunity to serve. I felt like my leg was healed now, I was just waiting for the next race to start.
Interestingly enough, two opportunities quickly presented themselves. One was with the church we are currently in. The other was back on the West Coast, in WA. I didn't have a proper attitude about the WA opportunity at first, but kept praying about it, and God worked in my heart so that I was submitted even to driving back across the country to serve in WA again, if that was what He had for us. I think it was only a week after I fully submitted to that possibility, that the email came.
"Thank you, but we found someone else" was basically what the email said. So, now we were down to the possibility that was right next door. (Literally!) We just didn't know what the church was wanting to do.
At our business meeting on Wednesday, the church decided to bring my husband on as assistant pastor! We are back in the race! We are looking forward to serving here, and ministering with the wonderful people already here. We are so thankful that God has made our paths so clear, and that He knows just what we need, and when we need it! We are also so very thankful for the people that allow God to work through them, and shine His love to the world. Isn't it wonderful to know that God cares for us?
I understand that "broken leg" feeling. It's a blessing to hear that you kept a right heart attitude about it. YAY for Jeb! :D