I didn't watch the Casey Anthony trial, so I have no real idea what went on, and have no opinion of whether she is guilty or innocent. However, I'm rather puzzled, and slightly disgusted by the huge uproar that has been made over this, while there are thousands of babies being killed and thrown away each day by abortion. I'm struggling to understand.
Just a few months ago I discovered what is known as "selective reduction". This is where a woman who is pregnant with multiples (normally more than two) decides to kill one of more of the babies, (normally dropping the number to twins or a singleton) I just can't fathom or stomach the fact that this is really okay! What is the difference between these women and Casey Anthony?
Each day there are thousands of women who kill their babies in Government sanctioned clinics because having the baby would be inconvenient for them. What is the difference between these women and Casey Anthony?
As long as the unborn are being murdered and thrown away, we should not be surprised when the same is done with the born.
Frightening to think that this happens everyday! Here's a site for further reading, in case people who read your post would like to know how cruel and evil this is: http://www.lifesitenews.com/abortiontypes/