Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Am Thankful

I have a goal of writing a list of 100 things I'm thankful for.  I thought I'd share it here. 
  1. I'm thankful for my Salvation
  2. I'm thankful for God's grace
  3. I'm thankful that God deals with me as His beloved child
  4. I'm thankful for the Holy Spirit working in my life
  5. I'm thankful for my husband
  6. I'm thankful for my son
  7. I'm thankful for my brothers and sisters
  8. I'm thankful for my church family
  9. I'm thankful for parents who taught me well
  10. I'm thankful that I have the Bible in my language
  11. I'm thankful for the freedom to worship Christ openly
  12. I'm thankful for a beautiful home
  13. I'm thankful that my sister is cancer free for almost 4 years now
  14. I'm thankful for my niece and nephew and the new one on the way
  15. I'm thankful for AWANA and the firm biblical foundation it gave me. 
  16. I'm thankful for my health
  17. I'm thankful for entertaining yet clean, books to read
  18. I'm thankful for heat and air conditioning in our home
  19. I'm thankful for abundant, good food to eat
  20. I'm thankful for good friends
  21. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be a stay at home wife and mother
  22. I'm thankful for the 4 months I had the opportunity to love our foster children
  23. I'm thankful for a safe neighborhood to live in
  24. I'm thankful for the Police, Firemen and other emergency personnel
  25. I'm thankful that my husband stands for the truth of God's word
  26. I'm thankful for my independence
  27. I'm thankful for transportation
  28. I'm thankful that I got to see my Grandma again, and introduce her to my son before she passed
  29. I'm thankful that my Dad was here with family when he had his stroke
  30. I'm thankful that my Dad is still alive, and seeing improvement daily
  31. I'm thankful for an electric stove and oven
  32. I'm thankful for a washer and dryer
  33. I'm thankful that I have the knowledge to fix some things when they break
  34. I'm thankful for music
  35. I'm thankful for a soft bed
  36. I'm thankful for mail
  37. I'm thankful for technology that helps me keep in contact with friends and family all over the world
  38. I'm thankful for the soldiers and their families who sacrifice daily so that I may have freedom
  39. I'm thankful for my sewing machine
  40. I'm thankful that God is in control.  I don't have to worry
  41. I'm thankful for modern advances in medicine
  42. I'm thankful for thunderstorms
  43. I'm thankful for creative people who write patterns and recipes
  44. I'm thankful for my husbands good job
  45. I'm thankful for clean water
  46. I'm thankful for hot running water
  47. I'm thankful for electricity
  48. I'm thankful for indoor plumbing
  49. I'm thankful for precise measuring devices
  50. I'm thankful that I have all 5 working senses
  51. I'm thankful for disposable diapers
  52. I'm thankful for our furniture
  53. I'm thankful for hangers
  54. I'm thankful for pharmacies
  55. I'm thankful for local stores
  56. I'm thankful for farmers who work hard so I can have food to eat
  57. I'm thankful for an electric steam iron
  58. I'm thankful for my KitchenAid
  59. I'm thankful for beautiful flowers
  60. I'm thankful for boneless meat
  61. I'm thankful for a refrigerator
  62. I'm thankful for nice clothes
  63. I'm thankful for shoes
  64. I'm thankful for cameras
  65. I'm thankful for memories
  66. I'm thankful for sharp knives
  67. I'm thankful for tools
  68. I'm thankful for chocolate
  69. I'm thankful for paper products
  70. I'm thankful for doctors
  71. I'm thankful for white flour
  72. I'm thankful for pens, pencils, and writing paper
  73. I'm thankful for written history
  74. I'm thankful for logic and reason
  75. I'm thankful for soap
  76. I'm thankful for fluffy towels
  77. I'm thankful for hair
  78. I'm thankful for working drains
  79. I'm thankful for plumbers
  80. I'm thankful for year round produce
  81. I'm thankful for truck drivers and freight trains
  82. I'm thankful for pacifiers
  83. I'm thankful for nice neighbors
  84. I'm thankful for the ability and freedom to choose
  85. I'm thankful that my Sr Pastor brings biblical messages and encourages me to live in accordance with the Word of God
  86. I'm thankful for shopping carts
  87. I'm thankful for synthetic fibers
  88. I'm thankful that I can paint my walls
  89. I'm thankful for the ability to read
  90. I'm thankful for laughter
  91. I'm thankful for games
  92. I'm thankful for free time
  93. I'm thankful that I am not alone
  94. I'm thankful for the promise of a future without sin or pain
  95. I'm thankful for plastic bags and containers
  96. I'm thankful for my soft fuzzy robe
  97. I'm thankful for clocks
  98. I'm thankful for phones
  99. I'm thankful for George Washington Carver
  100. I'm thankful that my wish list was fulfilled in my husband
I may expound on some of these later on.  If there are any that you would like to hear more about, please let me know in a comment on this post.

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