Friday, August 26, 2011


How many do YOU have?  I have far more than I should.  You see, I'm horrible about getting bored with a project, so starting another, getting bored with it, but not yet ready to get back to the previous one, and "Oh Hey!  That one looks cool!"  So, I start another...and another...and another.  So, my Un Finished Objects (UFOs) start piling up. 

Right now I have:
  • one adult sweater I'm knitting
  • one baby outfit that needs sewn together and the finishing work done
  • four quilts in varying stages of completion
  • one baby bonnet I'm tatting
  • one knitted pillow that needs sewn together and stuffed
  • one baby shirt that needs buttons and buttonholes
  • one baby shirt that is cut out
  • one macrame watchband that is about half done
  • one fuzzy scarf I'm knitting
  • one set of curtains that I need to revamp to fit my windows
  • one afghan I'm crocheting
That's all that's actually in progress, then I also have materials for several other projects that I'm longing to start.  Specifically, I have:
  • fabric for a Winnie the Pooh quilt
  • fabric for a Christmas throw quilt
  • yarn for a sweater for me
  • yarn for a couple of pairs of socks - for me and others
  • yarn for soft fuzzy mittens
  • fabric for a baby quilt
  • fabric for several little projects that I have in the back of my mind, waiting for the right time. 
  • a few sewing kits I was just given that look like so much fun
While I'm letting my arms/hands/fingers have a little break from knitting and tatting, I think I'm going to finish the sewing projects that I have started, so that I can make the things from the kits.  Yup!  That's my goal for the next little while.  I'll keep you updated, and may even give pictures of finished projects!  :D

1 comment:

  1. Right now I have headbands and a baby blanket...I think that's all that have already been started! I have on my to-do list a couple of drawings, and a hole slew of ideas in my head!
