I recently came across a question that prompted a good deal of thought. It was an interesting question, and I've spent a bit of time thinking about it. Here are my thoughts. (No, you don't get the benefit of the original question. :D )
If I refused to submit to my father's wishes (in any area that those wishes did not go against Scripture) before I got married, what would that say about my willingness to submit to my husband in the future? If I'm starting that relationship based on rebellion against my current authority, it only bodes ill for the future of that relationship.
If I refuse to submit to the wishes of my boss at work (again in any area that those wishes do not go against Scripture), I will likely not have that job for very long.
If I refuse to submit to the driving laws, I will likely get ticketed and possibly lose my license.
There is no Bible reference telling me that I have to gain my father's permission to marry a certain man, and he may have irrational reasons for his disapproval, but if I go against his wishes I might end up marrying into an unhappy, possibly abusive marriage.
There is no Bible reference that tells me to call in if I'm not going to make it to work, or to schedule my vacation days a month in advance, and it may be irrational to have to fold the fabric cuts into thirds and then quarters, but if I don't submit, it may cost me my job.
There is no Bible reference that tells me to stop at a red light and avoid turning left at an intersection until it's clear, and it may be irrational to have to slow to 50 for that half mile, but refusing to obey/honor/submit to those laws could cost me and others dearly.
These are just 3 examples that popped into my head, but the concept can be taken into each aspect of life. The simple truth is, we are always going to need to submit to those in authority. There will always be those in authority over us, and it will be so much better for us all if we choose to obey the Bible references that clearly tell us to "Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves" (Hebrews 13:17)
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