Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Have to Say

I am so glad that we have progressed in the medical field so that it was possible for me to have a c-section, and have my baby and me both be whole, healthy, and alive! I understand that not all c-sections are necessary, but mine was, and I'm thankful that my Dr understood that, that it was a possibility, and that we were in a medical facility that was prepared to handle it.

I know a woman whose niece's baby has severe mental retardation because of the fact that they didn't do a c-section when there were several indicators that it was needed. The baby ended up having oxygen supply to the brain cut off due to the cord being wrapped around it's neck, and compressed during contractions and pushing. They finally did do a c-section after several hours of nonproductive pushing, but it was too late.

I know of another woman whose baby broke it's collar bone during delivery because it didn't have the necessary room to be delivered naturally.

I am so glad that my Dr was willing to allow me the opportunity to be induced a second time, and to labor for as long as I did before deciding for the c-section. She didn't just jump straight to surgery, it truly was her last resort to helping me have a healthy baby. I appreciate that!

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