Last night I got a call on my cell phone. I looked at the number, rolled my eyes, and answered. I was determined to take care of this once and for all.
A man's voice responded, "Hello, who is this? This is Derek, you called me"
"I'm not sure what's going on with your number and mine, but about a month ago I had several calls from your number from a guy asking for Derek. I have not called your number, and would appreciate it if you would stop calling me."
"I'm not calling you, you're calling me, I'm not putting in your number, just hitting send." Then he hung up.
That was the third phone call from him saying I'd called him. Hopefully that's the last! What's really weird is that about a month ago, I did have several phone calls from that same number, but some other fellow asking for Derek. I finally asked him what number he was trying to reach, and he gave me MY phone number. I explained to him that that was the number he was reaching, but it wasn't Derek's. He thanked me, and said he would try the other number. That was the end of that! (Or so I thought, until his number started popping up again, but with Derek on the other line this time!)
I had another call awhile ago with a woman asking for Kelly. I told her she had the wrong number, she asked if this was (my number). I told her it was, she then asked if I was the one who had emailed her about a horse. Mmm, NOPE!
A few years ago I got a call for a woman I'd never heard of. I told them they had the wrong number. They then asked if I knew where she was. When I told them that she didn't live here, and this wasn't her number, they said "So you DO know her!"
Another time I got a call from a cemetery place offering a free plot. When they found out that I wasn't old enough to qualify, they asked if I knew of anyone who would be interested in their offer.
I think my all time favorite, however, will always be the time my dad called the house collect from his work. I answered the phone the way I always did "N------'s residence, this is Heidi speaking". I heard an automated voice say, "I'm sorry, you have reached an answering service," followed by my dad saying, "No, that's my daughter!"
I remember that call. It was frustrating at the time but funny to remember. I've had the same problem here. It was worse when I was using metroPCS. I probably still show up on CalleID as Juan somebody-or-other.