Monday, February 28, 2011

Mommy Knows

  • How much it hurts to get your shots
  • How yucky it is to spit up
  • How hard it is to be tired, but not want to go to sleep
  • The unpleasantness of being wet, dirty, too hot or too cold
  • It's rough being a little bitty guy

But Mommy also knows:

  • The relief you feel when you finally quit fighting and give in to your nap
  • The joy in your smile and laughter
  • The peacefulness when you're content
  • The feeling of pride and accomplishment when you learn to do something new
  • That you have her and Daddy looking out for you and trying to do what is best for you.

I love my little man. I enjoy being his Mommy, and all that entails.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


As I sit here waiting for my little one to go to sleep for the night, I figured I might as well write a blogpost for the day. I can't think of a topic, so I'll just give you whatever comes to mind. :D

Saturdays are hard days for me. My sweetie works every Saturday, and everyone else that I know stays busy with family stuff on Saturdays, so even the internet stuff I waste time with is slow. There's noone doing anything on Facebook, and the other forums that I'm on have sparse activity. So, I spent today doing laundry and housework and playing with my baby, wishing that my little sister lived closer so we could go shopping.

One week ago I got to see the moon right on the horizon, larger than anything I've ever seen! It looked bigger than a each ball, and was rather orange. I was amazed and thrilled, it was wonderful, and truly awesome to see God's creation.

Tomorrow is Sunday, the beginning of a week, the start of my husband's 4 day weekend, the day before my baby turns 2 months old, and a new day. I'm so glad that God's mercies are new every morning. We get to wake up and start a new day with a clean slate, a new day to make new mistakes, full 0f new choices - and some of the same - learn new things, try new methods. It would be seriously depressing to have to live the same day over and over again. I'm glad that God has set things up the way He has!

My little one's asleep, and I should be too, so goodnight all!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Life is Good

I'm sitting here with my 8 week old baby boy sitting calmly in my lap. He's just been changed and fed, and he's perfectly content now. My husband is winding down for the night, and I have nothing pressing to do. I'm a content lady!

There's been a status making its way around Facebook that asks what would happen if we woke up tomorrow with only those things we thanked God for today. I've found that thanking God for everything that I can think of that He has given/provided for me is a wonderful way to combat worry and bad attitudes. So, I try to make it a habit to everyday give thanks for all that I have. Then, if I find that I'm starting to worry or get into a wrong way of thinking, I again start giving thanks, sometimes trying to get into more specifics in the things I left general the first time. It works wonderfully! It's hard to maintain a bad attitude and truly acknowledge and be grateful for the things that God has given and done for me. I challenge you to do the same!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Last night I dreamed about AWANA camp, it was located at Fir Point in OR, but the OH AWANA Missionaries were there. I had to leave to go to Grandma's to feed my baby, cause I'd realised after several hours, that I'd left him with her, but hadn't left her anything to feed him. However, before I left, I made the huge pot of refried beans that I'd signed up to make for the potluck. Once they were finished, I proceeded to pour them out in a huge pile on the ground where the tables were to be set up. That caused a huge problem, with multiple people drilling me to find out why I'd done it. I couldn't answer - I didn't know why! And, the standing around being questioned was making me frantic, as my baby was starving and I needed to get to him to feed him.

If anyone tries to make any sense out of that they're crazy! :D It was fun to dream, though.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Not a Photographing Mother

First, I completely forgot to get the typical newborn photos: you know, the ones with the baby in just a diaper in the warming table; wrapped up in his blanket sleeping in the bed thing there in the hospital; the new family, complete with Mommy in the lovely hospital gown.

Then, I forgot about taking pictures when my Mom came to visit at the hospital, when some friends came to visit, and when the adopted grandparents came.

Now, my Dad's headed back home out of state, he spent 2 afternoons and 1 full day here with us, and getting a picture of him with the baby completely skipped my mind! Yikes!

I guess it's obvious that I'm not the typical first time mom, at least as far as the camera goes.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Birthday Present

As I was getting ready to get in the shower on Friday, I got a text from my sweetie saying he wanted to take me out on a date. We texted back and forth a little while, and decided to go to Outback. What we didn't think about was the fact that it was a Friday! When we got to Outback, there was a 45 minute wait to be seated. Because my darling works every Saturday, we really couldn't wait that long to eat, so, we went on down the road to try Texas Steakhouse. He couldn't even get in the door to get an estimate on the wait time. We then decided to take a look at O'Charley's, but didn't even stop there when we saw that they had no parking spots available.

Seeing that it was getting rather late, and we needed to eat and get home so we could go to bed, we decided to head back toward home and stop at a fast food joint, leaving Outback for a non-weekend night. Sitting in the left turn lane, waiting for the red arrow to turn green, our car "dinged", and an idiot light came on indicating overheating. The temperature gauge was almost completely at the top, and was climbing. As we sat there through another light the needle hit the top of the gauge. Once we could turn, we found the next available parking lot, and parked the car. We had 2 options for food close by, Wendy's and SteakandShake. We figured we'd walk over to Wendy's and eat while we waited for the car to cool down. We ate, put some more anit-freeze in the car, and were headed home.

That night my love got sick. Majorly so. I was convinced he had food poisoning from the dinner Friday night. His mom told him to stay away from the baby, which I vetoed. If the baby was going to get sick, he'd get sick anyway, since I wasn't going to stay away from either of them. And, since I figured it was food poisoning, it wouldn't be contagious at all anyway.

Well, I figured wrong. At 1 on Monday morning I woke up sick. I spent Monday lying on the couch or in bed, hardly strong enough to pick up my 7 week old son. Thankfully my darling was well enough to help tremendously with the baby, and today I'm feeling back to normal. I can't complain too much, as it's the first stomach bug I've had for over 7 years!

Now I'm just looking forward to that trip to Outback on some Monday or Tuesday evening!

Friday, February 18, 2011

I Did it Because

I decided to create a second blog for the everyday stuff. Keeping Sisters of Hannah for dealing with encouraging women dealing with fertility stuff, I can use this blog for dealing with the fact that:

  • today is my birthday!,
  • my son is the cutest baby ever,
  • he's going to start moving soon,
  • I'm going to talk about my family a lot,
  • I think my sister's blog is super cool, and I'd like to blog everyday that I can find the time,
  • and various other things that you may come to know over time.

So, now that you know why I'm here also, tell me what you think!