Thursday, June 23, 2011

Okie Dokie

I'm finally getting around to updating.  It's been crazy!  I'm planning a picture post for the next update.  We'll see how that goes.  For now, on to some long thought out subjects.

         I have a keychain that reads "A woman who wants to be equal to a man lacks ambition."  When I saw it, I thought it was great and had to get it!  (It wasn't until several years later that I realised what it was supposed to be saying.)  I got it because it so well put into words what I'd been thinking.  The highest ambition I - as a woman - can have, is to be the very best woman I can be.  Anything else is less of an ambition.  God made me to be a woman, not a man, so being a man would not be the best I could be.  Therefore, to desire that would be to lack ambition. 

It still bothers me to hear women talk about how they can be just as good a man as the men are.  It's sad to me, because I know that as long as that is their goal, they will never reach their full potential.  It's so wonderful to follow the way God designed things!  It just makes life easier and so much better!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

This should be good!

I have a few posts brewing.  Hopefully soon I'll take the time to sit down and write them out.  They should be pretty well thought out by the time I get that done.  :D

Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's been awhile!

A lot has been happening the last couple of weeks.  Yet when I try to think of what we've been so busy with, it just seems like everyday stuff.  :) 

I'm missing my Grandma so much.  I keep thinking "I should call Grandma and tell her about..." then remember I can't.  It's really hard right now.

I'm really wishing my little sister lived closer.  There's so much I want to share with her right now.  It would be so much fun to go shooooooping with her again, go get some (non)coffee, and laugh at my son's antics, like we did so many times with my foster kids. 

While on the topic of missing, and foster kids, I miss those two sweethearts so very much!  I wonder how they're doing. 

The Relay for Life for our area is going on right now in the park just a block away from the house.  While I think it's really neat, and certainly a worthy cause, I really wish I couldn't hear/feel the music.  The bass is making me nauseous. 

I actually finished 2 different projects that I've been "working" on for the last year or so.  Three sweaters (2 cardigans and 1 pullover) and a knit overall for my baby.  The crazy thing is, the seeaters fit him perfectly right now!  (It's 80-90 degrees most days right now, so definitely not sweater weather!)  I have a feeling that by the time he could use them, they'll be too small.  The pants should fit him well, though. 

I'm excited about some possibilities that my husband and I are looking at!  I might go into more detail later on.  :D

I think that's all my randomness for today.  I hope you're all well, and holding up in this weather!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Why I Won't

I Do believe that:
      My  husband is a great husband
      My son is wonderful, and I'm proud to be his mommy
I enjoy being an Aunt to all of my nieces and nephew
I have sisters/brothers I love
I wish we could find a cure for:
       Heart disease
I have lost a little one, and wish miscarriage wasn't so common
I DO put my faith in Jesus Christ, and in Him alone!  I'm NOT ashamed to say it!
I do support our troops, having "under God" in our pledge of allegiance, and "in God we trust" on our money.

However, it doesn't seem to mean much to me to just copy and paste this from someone else's status on Facebook.  I prefer to use my own words to say these things at times that it's really on my heart.  So, you won't see me copying and pasting any time soon. 

Then there are the other types of "copy and paste".  Those I check out on "hoax-slayer", "fact or fiction", and "snopes" before I even think about copying and pasting.  Most of the time, it ends there.